
Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2014! It's New Years Day and I'm kicking it off by sipping on my favorite new sparkling cocktail and working on a project (post coming soon). I just wanted to share this because it's such a cute little cocktail. Its a Wild Hibiscus Champagne cocktail. Its really simple. Just toss in the Wild Hibiscus and top with champagne or sparkling wine. You can add a little of the syrup to get more of the Hibiscus flavor but I chose not to because I love seeing the texture  of the Hibiscus through the champagne flute.


If you're new to Wild Hibiscus, you aren't the only one. I ran into a tasting at Spec's the other week and was introduced to it. I was very skeptical because it doesn't look like a typical flower. The texture was a bit awkward when I first began chewing it.  It felt somewhat animalistic. I've never had clams or calamari because I'm not that big on seafood & the texture of the Hibiscus is how I imagined the clams/calamari would feel. Once I got over that, the flavor was a sweet, fruity delight! It was like a mix of cherry, strawberry and cranberry. You can find the Wild Hibiscus on Amazon.



  1. Hmm... never knew you could eat hibiscus. I'll keep this in mind. Happy New Year!

  2. Happy New Year BeULuv! If you try it, let me know how you like it. Thanks for stopping by;)


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