
Limonjello Shots

These limonjello shots take lemon drop shots to a whole new level. One month later and I'm still hearing about these shots! I'm sure they will be a hit with your guests as well...

Here's what you'll need:

8 lemons
1 package of lemon jello

The process is simple, just annoyingly sticky. Halve your 8 lemons and scoop out all the pulp. I used a knife to loosen the pulp and then a spoon to scoop it out. You will not need the pulp for the shots. I put the pulp to the side and used it to make fresh lemonade for one of my non-alcoholic beverages for the night.

Next, make the jello according to package directions but in place of the cold water, use cold vodka. All the other directions remain the same.

Last, place your lemon halves in cupcake pans. This will keep them from tipping over. Evenly spoon jello mixture all the way to the top of each lemon rind. Pop pans in the fridge, let chill overnight, cut into wedges, and serve quick because they will lose their form when too warm.

P.S. These limonjello shots are strong enough to stand alone but I like to booze up my guests so they were required to take a vodka shot too upon entrance;-)


  1. Hey Sheena! Girl you know I'm going to have to try these Jello shots....so cool! Love what you did to that dresser....girl you've inspired me to get my act together...got my creative juices flowing!!

  2. @ Deb Thank you! I started to inbox you this a few weeks ago because I thought you would like it;-) Glad those creative juices are flowing! Sometimes I need the same thing. We will definitely get them flowing together when I come home (holidays, cocktail night, etc :)


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