
1960s Record Cabinet Remix

Ok so..... I don't even own a record player but I had to drag this 1960s record cabinet home. As long as I have space, things that are mid-century modern, in decent shape and a fair price will make their way into my home. I found this piece at Antiques on Hildebrand, San Antonio, TX. 


I thought this project was going to be a real quick fix but it turned out to be the most painful I've ever done! I made the worst mistake ever which was taking a "short cut" and not lightly sanding the wood veneer. I know, I know. I should know better but I just figured I could slap on the paint with primer  and everything would be ok. Wrong! The paint just kind of sat there. Lumpy and streaky. I wanted to give up on it because it was destined for disaster with each each stroke. 

Once the inside of the cabinet was spray painted red, I started on the outside with white semi-gloss paint and a paint brush which left brush strokes everywhere. Now, Im no pro but this has never happened before so thats why Im blaming the streaky disaster on not sanding. Once the paint dried, I decided that I would go over it with white spray paint to try to get rid of the streakiness. Surprisingly, it made it a lot better but not quite right. After that I went back at it with the semi-gloss paint but with a sponge roller instead. Doing this made the paint go on a lot smoother and I could slowly start to see satisfactory results.


When the white paint was finally dry, I covered the legs with plastic so I could spray paint the metal tipped legs with gold spray paint. Painting the legs and knobs was the only easy thing about this project (minus the wind which decided to blow really hard the moment I began spraying).

When I put the cabinet in the office I remembered that I actually owned records. Yes, records but no record player. Its like having cereal with no milk (actually, nothing is quite that bad!). 

This past Christmas I was home visiting and I stopped by my friend Noura's record store, Pyramid Music in Augusta, GA and I decided that I needed to have a record because I've never owned one. I can never go in there without wanting to buy something. Not because we are friends (we actually met because I went there looking for the original release of N.E.R.D.'s "In Search Of..." CD back in 2004), but because it's filled with so much cool stuff! I walked out with these three things...

Vanity 6 and the soundtracks to Miami Vice and New Jack City. I am without a doubt a kid of the 80/90s!


Finally, the after. Now all I have to do is find a record player.


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